Module typing_json.typechecking

The typing_json.typechecking module provides functionality for dynamic typechecking.

The core functionality is provided by is_instance(), which extends the builtin isinstance to deal with certain typed collections created using the typing module, as well as literal types, optional types, unions and (certain) typed namedtuples.

(Version: 0.1.1)

Expand source code
#pylint:disable = line-too-long, invalid-name
    The `typing_json.typechecking` module provides functionality for dynamic typechecking.

    The core functionality is provided by `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance`, which extends
    the builtin `isinstance` to deal with certain typed collections created using the `typing` module,
    as well as literal types, optional types, unions and (certain) typed namedtuples.

    (Version: 0.1.1)

# standard imports
from collections import deque, OrderedDict
from import Mapping
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import EnumMeta
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

# external dependencies
from typing_extensions import Literal

JSON_BASE_TYPES: Tuple[type, ...] = (bool, int, float, str, type(None))
""" Base types for JSON. """

KEYABLE_BASE_TYPES = (bool, int, float, Decimal, complex, str, bytes, range, type)
""" Base types that can be used for dictionary keys. """

TYPECHECKABLE_BASE_TYPES = (bool, int, float, Decimal, complex, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, list, tuple, range, slice, set, frozenset, dict, type, deque, OrderedDict, object)
""" Base types that can be typechecked. """

_UNREACHABLE_ERROR_MSG = "Should never reach this point, please open an issue on GitHub."

def _not_keyable(message: str, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) -> Literal[False]:
    """ Utility message to fail (return `False`) by first calling an optional failure callback. """
    if failure_callback:
    return False

def is_keyable(t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None) -> bool:
        Check whether `t` is a type that can be used as a key when encoding/decoding mappings
        using this library.
        This function is used only in `typing_json.encoding.is_json_encodable`, to decided whether a
        mapping type is JSON encodable using this library.

        The optional parameter `failure_callback` can be used to collect a detailed trace of
        the reasons behind this method returning `False` on a given type `t`.

        At present, a type is keyable if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

        - it is one of `bool`, `int`, `float`, `decimal.Decimal`, `complex`, `str`, `bytes`, `range`, `type`;
        - it is `None` or an enumeration (i.e. `isinstance(t, EnumMeta)`);
        - it is a variadic `typing.Tuple`, a `typing.FrozenSet` or a `typing.Optional` and its generic type argument is keyable;
        - it is a fixed-length `typing.Tuple` or a `typing.Union` and all of its generic type arguments are keyable;
        - it is a `typing_extensions.Literal`;
        - it is a named tuple according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_namedtuple` and all of its fields are of keyable type.

    # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
        # Types in the `KEYABLE_BASE_TYPES` collection are keyable.
        return True
    if t in (None, type(None)):
        # `None` is keyable.
        return True
    if isinstance(t, EnumMeta):
        # Enum types are keyable.
        return True
    if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and hasattr(t, "__args__"):
        # Parametric types in the `typing` module.
        if t.__origin__ in (frozenset, Union, Optional):
            # The types `typing.FrozenSet`, `typing.Union` and `typing.Optional` are keyable
            # if all of their type arguments are keyable.
            if all(is_keyable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_keyable("Not all type arguments of type %s are keyable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is tuple:
            # The type `typing.Tuple` is keyable if all of its type arguments are keyable.
            if len(t.__args__) == 2 and t.__args__[1] == ...:
                # This is the case of variadic `typing.Tuple`.
                if is_keyable(t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback):
                    return True
                # This is the case of fixed-length `typing.Tuple`.
                if all(is_keyable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                    return True
            return _not_keyable("Not all type arguments of type %s are keyable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is Literal:
            # The type `typing_extensions.Literal` is keyable if all of its type arguments are keyable.
            # Currently, there is no way for this not to be the case, so this always returns true.
            if all(isinstance(s, KEYABLE_BASE_TYPES) or s is None for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            raise AssertionError(_UNREACHABLE_ERROR_MSG) # pragma: no cover
    if is_namedtuple(t, check_keyable=True):
        # Types inheriting from `typing.NamedTuple` are keyable if all their fields have keyable type.
        return True
    return _not_keyable("Type %s is not keyable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)

def _not_typecheckable(message: str, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) -> Literal[False]:
    """ Utility message to fail (return `False`) by first calling an optional failure callback. """
    if failure_callback:
    return False

def is_typecheckable(t: Any, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None) -> bool:
        Checks whether `t` can be type-checked according to the `typing_json` library.
        This is a pre-requisite for `t` to be JSON encodable/decodable in the library.
        It is also a pre-requisite for all fields of types deemed to be namedtuples
        by `typing_json.typechecking.is_namedtuple`.

        The optional parameter `failure_callback` can be used to collect a detailed trace of
        the reasons behind this method returning `False` on a given type `t`.

        At present, a type is typecheckable if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

        - it is one of the basic typecheckable types: `bool`, `int`, `float`, `decimal.Decimal`, `complex`, `str`, `bytes`, `bytearray`, `memoryview`, `list`, `tuple`, `range`, `slice`, `set`, `frozenset`, `dict`, `type`, `collections.deque`, `collections.OrderedDict`, `object`;
        - it is `None`, `typing.Any` or an enumeration (i.e. `isinstance(t, EnumMeta)`);
        - it is one of `typing.List`, `typing.Set`, `typing.FrozenSet`, `typing.Deque`, `typing.Optional` or variadic `typing.Tuple` and its generic type argument is typecheckable;
        - it is one of `typing.Dict`, `typing.OrderedDict`, `typing.Mapping`, `typing.Union` or fixed-length `typing.Tuple` and all of its generic type arguments are typecheckable;
        - it is a `typing.Literal` including literals of one of the JSON basic types `bool`, `int`, `float`, `str` or `NoneType`;
        - it is a named tuple according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_namedtuple` and all of its fields are of typecheckable type;
        - it is a typed dictionary according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_typed_dict` and all of its values are of typecheckable type.

        (Version 0.1.3)
    # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
        # Types in the `TYPECHECKABLE_BASE_TYPES` collection are all typecheckable.
        return True
    if t in (None, type(None), Any):
        # `None` and `typing.Any` are typecheckable.
        return True
    if isinstance(t, EnumMeta):
        # Enum types are typecheckable.
        return True
    if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and hasattr(t, "__args__"):
        # Parametric types in the `typing` module.
        if t.__origin__ in (list, set, frozenset, dict,
                            deque, OrderedDict, Union, Optional, Mapping):
            # The types `typing.List`, `typing.Set`, `typing.FrozenSet`, `typing.Dict`,
            # `typing.Deque`, `typing.OrderedDict`, `typing.Union` and `typing.Mapping`
            # are typecheckable if all of their type arguments are typecheckable.
            if all(is_typecheckable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_typecheckable("Not all type arguments of type %s are typecheckable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is tuple:
            # The type `typing.Tuple` is typecheckable if all of its type arguments are typecheckable.
            if len(t.__args__) == 2 and t.__args__[1] == ...:
                # This is the case of variadic `typing.Tuple`.
                if is_typecheckable(t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback):
                    return True
                # This is the case of fixed-length `typing.Tuple`.
                if all(is_typecheckable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                    return True
            return _not_typecheckable("Not all type arguments of type %s are typecheckable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is Literal:
            # The type `typing_extensions.Literal` is typecheckable if all of its type arguments are of JSON basic type.
            if all(isinstance(s, JSON_BASE_TYPES) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_typecheckable("Not all type arguments of literal type %s are of JSON basic type."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if is_namedtuple(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # Types inheriting from `typing.NamedTuple` are typecheckable, because `is_namedtuple` already
        # enforces fields to be of typecheckable type.
        return True
    if is_typed_dict(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # Types inheriting from `typing.TypedDict` are typecheckable, because `is_typed_dict` already
        # enforces fields to be of typecheckable type.
        return True
    return _not_typecheckable("Type %s is not typecheckable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)

def short_str(obj: Any) -> str:
    """ Returns a shortened string representation of `obj`, for use in error messages. """
    if isinstance(obj, str):
        return "\""+obj+"\""
    return textwrap.shorten(repr(obj), width=30, placeholder="...")

def _not_instance(message: str, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) -> Literal[False]:
    """ Utility message to fail (return `False`) by first calling an optional failure callback. """
    if failure_callback:
    return False

def is_instance(obj: Any, t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, cast_decimal: bool = True) -> bool:
        Checks whether an object `obj` is an instance of type `t`, extending the dynamical typechecking capabilities of the
        builtin `isinstance` to some of the `typing` generics and to certain types constructed with `typing.NamedTuple`.
        On the basic typecheckable types (cf. `typing_json.typechecking.is_typecheckable`), it acts as the builtin `isinstance`,
        with tje following exceptions:

        - if the optional parameter `cast_decimal` is set to `True`, instances of `decimal.Decimal` are deemed to be instances of `float` (and `int` if integral) by this function;
        - the boolean literals `True` and `False` are not deemed of type `int` by this function (cf.
        - instances of `int` are deemed to be instances of `float` by this function.

        The optional parameter `failure_callback` can be used to collect a detailed trace of the reasons behind this function returning `False` on a given object `obj` and type `t`.

        The optional parameter `cast_decimal` (default: `True`) can be used to specify that objects of type `decimal.Decimal`
        which encode integers have to be deemed of type `int` or `float`:

            >>> from decimal import Decimal
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1), int, cast_decimal=True)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), float, cast_decimal=True)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), int, cast_decimal=True)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1), int, cast_decimal=False)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), float, cast_decimal=False)

        Literals in `typing_extensions.Literal` can only be of one of the JSON basic types `bool`, `int`, `float`, `str`, `NoneType`.
    # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
        # for basic types, use builtin `isinstance`.
        if t == int and (obj is True or obj is False):
            # special case to deal with the fact that `bool` inherits from `int`, see
            return False
        if t == int and isinstance(obj, Decimal) and cast_decimal and obj == obj.to_integral_value():
            # special case to deal with `decimal.Decimal` being used to encode integers:
            return True
        if t == float and isinstance(obj, Decimal) and cast_decimal:
            # special case to deal with `decimal.Decimal` being used to encode floats:
            return True
        if t == float and isinstance(obj, int) and obj is not True and obj is not False:
            return True
        if isinstance(obj, t):
            return True
        return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if t in (None, type(None)):
        # for `None`, use `is None`.
        if obj is None:
            return True
        return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if t == Any:
        # For `typing.Any`, always return `True`.
        return True
    if isinstance(t, EnumMeta):
        # For enums, check whether `obj` is one of the values of the enumeration `t`.
        if obj in t.__members__.values(): # type: ignore
            return True
        return _not_instance("Value %s is not of enum type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if is_namedtuple(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # For namedtuples, check that all fields are defined and have value of designated type.
        if obj.__class__ != t:
            return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong class %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(obj.__class__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        field_types = getattr(t, "_field_types")
        for field in field_types:
            if not hasattr(obj, field):
                raise AssertionError(_UNREACHABLE_ERROR_MSG) # pragma: no cover
                # return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: missing field %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), field), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            field_val = getattr(obj, field)
            if not is_instance(field_val, field_types[field], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong type %s for field %s, expected %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(type(field_val)), field, str(field_types[field])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        return True
    if is_typed_dict(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # For typed dictionaries, check that all fields have value of designated type, and that they are all defined if `t.__total__` is `True`.
        if not isinstance(obj, dict):
            return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong class %s (expected `dict`)."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(obj.__class__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        field_types = getattr(t, "__annotations__")
        total = getattr(t, "__total__")
        for field in field_types:
            if total and field not in obj:
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: missing field %s (typed dict is total)."%(short_str(obj), str(t), field), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if field in obj:
                field_val = obj[field]
                if not is_instance(field_val, field_types[field], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
                    return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong type %s for field %s, expected %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(type(field_val)), field, str(field_types[field])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        return True
    if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and hasattr(t, "__args__"):
        # Special cases for `typing` generics.
        if t.__origin__ is Union: # Union[T1, T2, ..., TN] or Optional[T]
            # For `typing.Union` (including `typing.Optional`), check that `obj` is instance of one of the type parameters of `typing.Union`.
            if any(is_instance(obj, s, failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Value %s does not match any of the types in %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is Literal: # Literal[val1, val2, ..., valN]
            # For `typing_extensions.Literal`, check that `obj` equals one of the literals parameters of `typing_extensions.Literal`.
            if any(obj == s for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Value %s does not match any of the values in %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is list: # List[T]
            # For `typing.List`, check that `obj` is a `list` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.List` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, list):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a list."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is tuple: # Tuple[T1, T2, ..., TN] or Tuple[T, ...] (with an actual ellipse `...` as the second type parameter of `typing.Tuple`)
            # For `typing.Tuple`, check that `obj` is a `tuple` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.Tuple` type parameter(s).
            if not isinstance(obj, tuple):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a tuple."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if len(t.__args__) == 2 and t.__args__[1] is ...: # pylint:disable=no-else-return
                # for variadic tuples, all elements have to be of the same type.
                if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                    return True
                return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
                # for fixed-length tuples, each element has to be of the correct positional type.
                if len(obj) != len(t.__args__):
                    return _not_instance("Tuple %s is of the wrong length for type %s"%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
                if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[i], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for i, x in enumerate(obj)):
                    return True
                return _not_instance("Not all values in %s are of the respective types specified by %s"%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is set: # Set[T]
            # For `typing.Set`, check that `obj` is a `set` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.Set` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, set):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a set."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is frozenset: # FrozenSet[T]
            # For `typing.FrozenSet`, check that `obj` is a `frozenset` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.FrozenSet` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, frozenset):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a frozenset."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is deque: # Deque[T]
            # For `typing.Deque`, check that `obj` is a `deque` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.Deque` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, deque):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a deque."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is dict: # Dict[K,V]
            # For `typing.Dict`, check that `obj` is a `dict`,
            # check that all keys of `obj` are instances of the first `typing.Dict` type parameter,
            # and check that all values of `obj` are instances of the econd `typing.Dict` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, (dict)):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a dict."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all keys of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(obj[x], t.__args__[1], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all values of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[1])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            return True
        if t.__origin__ is OrderedDict: # OrderedDict[K,V]
            # For `typing.OrderedDict`, check that `obj` is a `collections.OrderedDict`,
            # check that all keys of `obj` are instances of the first `typing.OrderedDict` type parameter,
            # and check that all values of `obj` are instances of the econd `typing.OrderedDict` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, (OrderedDict)):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not an OrderedDict."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all keys of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(obj[x], t.__args__[1], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all values of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[1])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            return True
        if t.__origin__ is Mapping: # Mapping[K,V], used for read-only dictionaries.
            # For `typing.Mapping`, check that `obj` is either a `dict` or a `collections.OrderedDict`,
            # check that all keys of `obj` are instances of the first `typing.Mapping` type parameter,
            # and check that all values of `obj` are instances of the econd `typing.Mapping` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, (dict, OrderedDict)):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a dict or OrderedDict."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all keys of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(obj[x], t.__args__[1], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all values of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[1])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            return True
    if failure_callback:
        failure_callback("Type %s is not supported."%str(t))
    raise TypeError("Type %s is not supported."%str(t))

def _not_namedtuple(message: str, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) -> Literal[False]:
    """ Utility message to fail (return `False`) by first calling an optional failure callback. """
    if failure_callback:
    return False

def is_namedtuple(t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, check_typecheckable: bool = True, check_keyable: bool = False, cast_decimal: bool = True) -> bool:
        Checks whether `t` is a type constructed using `typing.NamedTuple`, using the following procedure:

        1. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__bases__`, containing the base classes of `t`;
        2. checks that there is exactly one base class in `t.__bases__`, namely `tuple`;
        3. checks for existence of the attribute `t._fields`, containing the fields names of`t`;
        4. checks that `t._fields` is a tuple of strings.
        5. checks for existence of the attribute `t._field_types`, containing the field types for `t`;
        6. checks that `t._field_tyes` is a dictionary with exactly the elements of `t._fields` as its keys;
        7. checks for the existence of the attribute `t._field_defaults`, containing the default values for fields of `t`;
        8. checks that `t._field_defaults` is a dictionary, and that all of its keys (if any) appear in `t._fields`;
        9. checks that all fields in `t._fields` also appear in `dir(t)`.

        The procedure above weeds out many incorrect examples, but certainly needs to be improved to catch all exceptions.

        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added between 6. and 7. above
        for all field types to be typecheckable according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_typecheckable`.
        If the optional parameter `check_keyable` is set to `True` (default: `False`), an additional check is added between 6. and 7. above
        for all field types to be keyable according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_keyable`.
        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added between 8. and 9. above
        for all field default values to be instances of the corresponding field types, according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` (the value
        of the optional parameter `cast_decimal` is passed to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` when performing this check).
    # pylint:disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches, protected-access
    if not hasattr(t, "__bases__"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute __bases__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    base_classes = t.__bases__
    if len(base_classes) != 1 or base_classes[0] != tuple:
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute bases for type %s should be [tuple], found %s instead"%(str(t), str(t.__bases__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "_fields"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute _fields."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    fields = getattr(t, "_fields")
    if not isinstance(fields, tuple):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _fields for type %s should be a tuple, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not all(isinstance(n, str) for n in fields):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _fields for type %s should be a tuple of strings, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "_field_types"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute _field_types."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    field_types = getattr(t, "_field_types", None)
    if not isinstance(field_types, dict):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _field_types for type %s should be a dict, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(field_types)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in fields:
        if not n in field_types:
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _fields but not in _field_types for type %s."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in field_types:
        if not n in fields:
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _field_types but not in _fields for type %s."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if check_typecheckable and not is_typecheckable(field_types[n], failure_callback=failure_callback):
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s for type %s has non-typecheckable field type %s."%(n, str(t), str(field_types[n])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if check_keyable and not is_keyable(field_types[n], failure_callback=failure_callback):
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s for type %s has non-keyable field type %s."%(n, str(t), str(field_types[n])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "_field_defaults"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute _field_defaults."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    field_defaults = getattr(t, "_field_defaults")
    if not isinstance(field_defaults, dict):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _field_types for type %s should be a dict, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(field_types)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in field_defaults:
        if not n in fields:
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _field_defaults but not in _fields for type %s."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if check_typecheckable and not is_instance(field_defaults[n], field_types[n], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
            return _not_namedtuple("Default value for field %s of type %s should be of type %s, found type %s instead."%(n, str(t), str(field_types[n]), str(type(field_defaults[n]))), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in fields:
        if n not in dir(t):
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _fields but not in dir(%s)."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    return True

def _not_typed_dict(message: str, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) -> Literal[False]:
    """ Utility message to fail (return `False`) by first calling an optional failure callback. """
    if failure_callback:
    return False

def is_typed_dict(t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, check_typecheckable: bool = True, cast_decimal: bool = True) -> bool:
        Checks whether `t` is a type constructed using `typing_extensions.TypedDict`, using the following procedure:

        1. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__bases__`, containing the base classes of `t`;
        2. checks that there is exactly one base class in `t.__bases__`, namely `dict`;
        3. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__annotations__`;
        4. checks that `t.__annotations__` is a `dict` with `string` keys;
        3. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__total__`;
        4. checks that `t.__total__` is a `bool`;

        The procedure above weeds out many incorrect examples, but certainly needs to be improved to catch all exceptions.
        Field types are ex

        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added,
        for all field types to be typecheckable according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_typecheckable`.
        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added,
        for all field default values to be instances of the corresponding field types, according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` (the value
        of the optional parameter `cast_decimal` is passed to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` when performing this check).

        (Version 0.1.3)
    # pylint:disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches, protected-access
    if not hasattr(t, "__bases__"):
        return _not_typed_dict("Type %s has no attribute __bases__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    base_classes = t.__bases__
    if len(base_classes) != 1 or base_classes[0] != dict:
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute bases for type %s should be [dict], found %s instead"%(str(t), str(t.__bases__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "__annotations__"):
        return _not_typed_dict("Type %s has no attribute __annotations__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    fields = getattr(t, "__annotations__")
    if not isinstance(fields, dict):
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute __annotations__ for type %s should be a dict, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not all(isinstance(n, str) for n in fields):
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute __annotations__ for type %s should be a dict of strings, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "__total__"):
        return _not_typed_dict("Type %s has no attribute __total__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    total = getattr(t, "__total__")
    if not isinstance(total, bool):
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute __total__ for type %s should be bool, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(total)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in fields:
        if check_typecheckable and not is_typecheckable(fields[n], failure_callback=failure_callback):
            return _not_typed_dict("Field %s for type %s has non-typecheckable field type %s."%(n, str(t), str(fields[n])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if hasattr(t, n):
            # default value set for this field
            field_default = getattr(t, n)
            if check_typecheckable and not is_instance(field_default, fields[n], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
                return _not_typed_dict("Default value for field %s of type %s should be of type %s, found type %s instead."%(n, str(t), str(fields[n]), str(type(field_default))), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    return True

Global variables

var JSON_BASE_TYPES : Tuple[type, ...]

Base types for JSON.


Base types that can be used for dictionary keys.


Base types that can be typechecked.


def is_instance(obj: Any, t: Type, failure_callback: Union[Callable[[str], NoneType], NoneType] = None, cast_decimal: bool = True) ‑> bool

Checks whether an object obj is an instance of type t, extending the dynamical typechecking capabilities of the builtin isinstance to some of the typing generics and to certain types constructed with typing.NamedTuple. On the basic typecheckable types (cf. is_typecheckable()), it acts as the builtin isinstance, with tje following exceptions:

  • if the optional parameter cast_decimal is set to True, instances of decimal.Decimal are deemed to be instances of float (and int if integral) by this function;
  • the boolean literals True and False are not deemed of type int by this function (cf.
  • instances of int are deemed to be instances of float by this function.

The optional parameter failure_callback can be used to collect a detailed trace of the reasons behind this function returning False on a given object obj and type t.

The optional parameter cast_decimal (default: True) can be used to specify that objects of type decimal.Decimal which encode integers have to be deemed of type int or float:

    >>> from decimal import Decimal
    >>> is_instance(Decimal(1), int, cast_decimal=True)
    >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), float, cast_decimal=True)
    >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), int, cast_decimal=True)
    >>> is_instance(Decimal(1), int, cast_decimal=False)
    >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), float, cast_decimal=False)

Literals in typing_extensions.Literal can only be of one of the JSON basic types bool, int, float, str, NoneType.

Expand source code
def is_instance(obj: Any, t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, cast_decimal: bool = True) -> bool:
        Checks whether an object `obj` is an instance of type `t`, extending the dynamical typechecking capabilities of the
        builtin `isinstance` to some of the `typing` generics and to certain types constructed with `typing.NamedTuple`.
        On the basic typecheckable types (cf. `typing_json.typechecking.is_typecheckable`), it acts as the builtin `isinstance`,
        with tje following exceptions:

        - if the optional parameter `cast_decimal` is set to `True`, instances of `decimal.Decimal` are deemed to be instances of `float` (and `int` if integral) by this function;
        - the boolean literals `True` and `False` are not deemed of type `int` by this function (cf.
        - instances of `int` are deemed to be instances of `float` by this function.

        The optional parameter `failure_callback` can be used to collect a detailed trace of the reasons behind this function returning `False` on a given object `obj` and type `t`.

        The optional parameter `cast_decimal` (default: `True`) can be used to specify that objects of type `decimal.Decimal`
        which encode integers have to be deemed of type `int` or `float`:

            >>> from decimal import Decimal
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1), int, cast_decimal=True)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), float, cast_decimal=True)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), int, cast_decimal=True)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1), int, cast_decimal=False)
            >>> is_instance(Decimal(1.1), float, cast_decimal=False)

        Literals in `typing_extensions.Literal` can only be of one of the JSON basic types `bool`, `int`, `float`, `str`, `NoneType`.
    # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
        # for basic types, use builtin `isinstance`.
        if t == int and (obj is True or obj is False):
            # special case to deal with the fact that `bool` inherits from `int`, see
            return False
        if t == int and isinstance(obj, Decimal) and cast_decimal and obj == obj.to_integral_value():
            # special case to deal with `decimal.Decimal` being used to encode integers:
            return True
        if t == float and isinstance(obj, Decimal) and cast_decimal:
            # special case to deal with `decimal.Decimal` being used to encode floats:
            return True
        if t == float and isinstance(obj, int) and obj is not True and obj is not False:
            return True
        if isinstance(obj, t):
            return True
        return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if t in (None, type(None)):
        # for `None`, use `is None`.
        if obj is None:
            return True
        return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if t == Any:
        # For `typing.Any`, always return `True`.
        return True
    if isinstance(t, EnumMeta):
        # For enums, check whether `obj` is one of the values of the enumeration `t`.
        if obj in t.__members__.values(): # type: ignore
            return True
        return _not_instance("Value %s is not of enum type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if is_namedtuple(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # For namedtuples, check that all fields are defined and have value of designated type.
        if obj.__class__ != t:
            return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong class %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(obj.__class__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        field_types = getattr(t, "_field_types")
        for field in field_types:
            if not hasattr(obj, field):
                raise AssertionError(_UNREACHABLE_ERROR_MSG) # pragma: no cover
                # return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: missing field %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), field), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            field_val = getattr(obj, field)
            if not is_instance(field_val, field_types[field], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong type %s for field %s, expected %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(type(field_val)), field, str(field_types[field])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        return True
    if is_typed_dict(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # For typed dictionaries, check that all fields have value of designated type, and that they are all defined if `t.__total__` is `True`.
        if not isinstance(obj, dict):
            return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong class %s (expected `dict`)."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(obj.__class__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        field_types = getattr(t, "__annotations__")
        total = getattr(t, "__total__")
        for field in field_types:
            if total and field not in obj:
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: missing field %s (typed dict is total)."%(short_str(obj), str(t), field), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if field in obj:
                field_val = obj[field]
                if not is_instance(field_val, field_types[field], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
                    return _not_instance("Value %s is not of type %s: wrong type %s for field %s, expected %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t), str(type(field_val)), field, str(field_types[field])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        return True
    if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and hasattr(t, "__args__"):
        # Special cases for `typing` generics.
        if t.__origin__ is Union: # Union[T1, T2, ..., TN] or Optional[T]
            # For `typing.Union` (including `typing.Optional`), check that `obj` is instance of one of the type parameters of `typing.Union`.
            if any(is_instance(obj, s, failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Value %s does not match any of the types in %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is Literal: # Literal[val1, val2, ..., valN]
            # For `typing_extensions.Literal`, check that `obj` equals one of the literals parameters of `typing_extensions.Literal`.
            if any(obj == s for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Value %s does not match any of the values in %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is list: # List[T]
            # For `typing.List`, check that `obj` is a `list` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.List` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, list):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a list."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is tuple: # Tuple[T1, T2, ..., TN] or Tuple[T, ...] (with an actual ellipse `...` as the second type parameter of `typing.Tuple`)
            # For `typing.Tuple`, check that `obj` is a `tuple` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.Tuple` type parameter(s).
            if not isinstance(obj, tuple):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a tuple."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if len(t.__args__) == 2 and t.__args__[1] is ...: # pylint:disable=no-else-return
                # for variadic tuples, all elements have to be of the same type.
                if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                    return True
                return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
                # for fixed-length tuples, each element has to be of the correct positional type.
                if len(obj) != len(t.__args__):
                    return _not_instance("Tuple %s is of the wrong length for type %s"%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
                if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[i], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for i, x in enumerate(obj)):
                    return True
                return _not_instance("Not all values in %s are of the respective types specified by %s"%(short_str(obj), str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is set: # Set[T]
            # For `typing.Set`, check that `obj` is a `set` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.Set` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, set):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a set."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is frozenset: # FrozenSet[T]
            # For `typing.FrozenSet`, check that `obj` is a `frozenset` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.FrozenSet` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, frozenset):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a frozenset."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is deque: # Deque[T]
            # For `typing.Deque`, check that `obj` is a `deque` and that all elements of `obj` are instances of the `typing.Deque` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, deque):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a deque."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return True
            return _not_instance("Not all elements of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is dict: # Dict[K,V]
            # For `typing.Dict`, check that `obj` is a `dict`,
            # check that all keys of `obj` are instances of the first `typing.Dict` type parameter,
            # and check that all values of `obj` are instances of the econd `typing.Dict` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, (dict)):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a dict."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all keys of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(obj[x], t.__args__[1], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all values of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[1])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            return True
        if t.__origin__ is OrderedDict: # OrderedDict[K,V]
            # For `typing.OrderedDict`, check that `obj` is a `collections.OrderedDict`,
            # check that all keys of `obj` are instances of the first `typing.OrderedDict` type parameter,
            # and check that all values of `obj` are instances of the econd `typing.OrderedDict` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, (OrderedDict)):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not an OrderedDict."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all keys of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(obj[x], t.__args__[1], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all values of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[1])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            return True
        if t.__origin__ is Mapping: # Mapping[K,V], used for read-only dictionaries.
            # For `typing.Mapping`, check that `obj` is either a `dict` or a `collections.OrderedDict`,
            # check that all keys of `obj` are instances of the first `typing.Mapping` type parameter,
            # and check that all values of `obj` are instances of the econd `typing.Mapping` type parameter.
            if not isinstance(obj, (dict, OrderedDict)):
                return _not_instance("Value %s is not a dict or OrderedDict."%short_str(obj), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(x, t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all keys of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[0])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            if not all(is_instance(obj[x], t.__args__[1], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal) for x in obj):
                return _not_instance("Not all values of %s are of type %s."%(short_str(obj), str(t.__args__[1])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
            return True
    if failure_callback:
        failure_callback("Type %s is not supported."%str(t))
    raise TypeError("Type %s is not supported."%str(t))
def is_keyable(t: Type, failure_callback: Union[Callable[[str], NoneType], NoneType] = None) ‑> bool

Check whether t is a type that can be used as a key when encoding/decoding mappings using this library. This function is used only in is_json_encodable(), to decided whether a mapping type is JSON encodable using this library.

The optional parameter failure_callback can be used to collect a detailed trace of the reasons behind this method returning False on a given type t.

At present, a type is keyable if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

  • it is one of bool, int, float, decimal.Decimal, complex, str, bytes, range, type;
  • it is None or an enumeration (i.e. isinstance(t, EnumMeta));
  • it is a variadic typing.Tuple, a typing.FrozenSet or a typing.Optional and its generic type argument is keyable;
  • it is a fixed-length typing.Tuple or a typing.Union and all of its generic type arguments are keyable;
  • it is a typing_extensions.Literal;
  • it is a named tuple according to is_namedtuple() and all of its fields are of keyable type.
Expand source code
def is_keyable(t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None) -> bool:
        Check whether `t` is a type that can be used as a key when encoding/decoding mappings
        using this library.
        This function is used only in `typing_json.encoding.is_json_encodable`, to decided whether a
        mapping type is JSON encodable using this library.

        The optional parameter `failure_callback` can be used to collect a detailed trace of
        the reasons behind this method returning `False` on a given type `t`.

        At present, a type is keyable if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

        - it is one of `bool`, `int`, `float`, `decimal.Decimal`, `complex`, `str`, `bytes`, `range`, `type`;
        - it is `None` or an enumeration (i.e. `isinstance(t, EnumMeta)`);
        - it is a variadic `typing.Tuple`, a `typing.FrozenSet` or a `typing.Optional` and its generic type argument is keyable;
        - it is a fixed-length `typing.Tuple` or a `typing.Union` and all of its generic type arguments are keyable;
        - it is a `typing_extensions.Literal`;
        - it is a named tuple according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_namedtuple` and all of its fields are of keyable type.

    # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
        # Types in the `KEYABLE_BASE_TYPES` collection are keyable.
        return True
    if t in (None, type(None)):
        # `None` is keyable.
        return True
    if isinstance(t, EnumMeta):
        # Enum types are keyable.
        return True
    if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and hasattr(t, "__args__"):
        # Parametric types in the `typing` module.
        if t.__origin__ in (frozenset, Union, Optional):
            # The types `typing.FrozenSet`, `typing.Union` and `typing.Optional` are keyable
            # if all of their type arguments are keyable.
            if all(is_keyable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_keyable("Not all type arguments of type %s are keyable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is tuple:
            # The type `typing.Tuple` is keyable if all of its type arguments are keyable.
            if len(t.__args__) == 2 and t.__args__[1] == ...:
                # This is the case of variadic `typing.Tuple`.
                if is_keyable(t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback):
                    return True
                # This is the case of fixed-length `typing.Tuple`.
                if all(is_keyable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                    return True
            return _not_keyable("Not all type arguments of type %s are keyable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is Literal:
            # The type `typing_extensions.Literal` is keyable if all of its type arguments are keyable.
            # Currently, there is no way for this not to be the case, so this always returns true.
            if all(isinstance(s, KEYABLE_BASE_TYPES) or s is None for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            raise AssertionError(_UNREACHABLE_ERROR_MSG) # pragma: no cover
    if is_namedtuple(t, check_keyable=True):
        # Types inheriting from `typing.NamedTuple` are keyable if all their fields have keyable type.
        return True
    return _not_keyable("Type %s is not keyable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
def is_namedtuple(t: Type, failure_callback: Union[Callable[[str], NoneType], NoneType] = None, check_typecheckable: bool = True, check_keyable: bool = False, cast_decimal: bool = True) ‑> bool

Checks whether t is a type constructed using typing.NamedTuple, using the following procedure:

  1. checks for existence of the attribute t.__bases__, containing the base classes of t;
  2. checks that there is exactly one base class in t.__bases__, namely tuple;
  3. checks for existence of the attribute t._fields, containing the fields names oft;
  4. checks that t._fields is a tuple of strings.
  5. checks for existence of the attribute t._field_types, containing the field types for t;
  6. checks that t._field_tyes is a dictionary with exactly the elements of t._fields as its keys;
  7. checks for the existence of the attribute t._field_defaults, containing the default values for fields of t;
  8. checks that t._field_defaults is a dictionary, and that all of its keys (if any) appear in t._fields;
  9. checks that all fields in t._fields also appear in dir(t).

The procedure above weeds out many incorrect examples, but certainly needs to be improved to catch all exceptions.

If the optional parameter check_typecheckable is set to True (default: True), an additional check is added between 6. and 7. above for all field types to be typecheckable according to is_typecheckable(). If the optional parameter check_keyable is set to True (default: False), an additional check is added between 6. and 7. above for all field types to be keyable according to is_keyable(). If the optional parameter check_typecheckable is set to True (default: True), an additional check is added between 8. and 9. above for all field default values to be instances of the corresponding field types, according to is_instance() (the value of the optional parameter cast_decimal is passed to is_instance() when performing this check).

Expand source code
def is_namedtuple(t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, check_typecheckable: bool = True, check_keyable: bool = False, cast_decimal: bool = True) -> bool:
        Checks whether `t` is a type constructed using `typing.NamedTuple`, using the following procedure:

        1. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__bases__`, containing the base classes of `t`;
        2. checks that there is exactly one base class in `t.__bases__`, namely `tuple`;
        3. checks for existence of the attribute `t._fields`, containing the fields names of`t`;
        4. checks that `t._fields` is a tuple of strings.
        5. checks for existence of the attribute `t._field_types`, containing the field types for `t`;
        6. checks that `t._field_tyes` is a dictionary with exactly the elements of `t._fields` as its keys;
        7. checks for the existence of the attribute `t._field_defaults`, containing the default values for fields of `t`;
        8. checks that `t._field_defaults` is a dictionary, and that all of its keys (if any) appear in `t._fields`;
        9. checks that all fields in `t._fields` also appear in `dir(t)`.

        The procedure above weeds out many incorrect examples, but certainly needs to be improved to catch all exceptions.

        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added between 6. and 7. above
        for all field types to be typecheckable according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_typecheckable`.
        If the optional parameter `check_keyable` is set to `True` (default: `False`), an additional check is added between 6. and 7. above
        for all field types to be keyable according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_keyable`.
        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added between 8. and 9. above
        for all field default values to be instances of the corresponding field types, according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` (the value
        of the optional parameter `cast_decimal` is passed to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` when performing this check).
    # pylint:disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches, protected-access
    if not hasattr(t, "__bases__"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute __bases__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    base_classes = t.__bases__
    if len(base_classes) != 1 or base_classes[0] != tuple:
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute bases for type %s should be [tuple], found %s instead"%(str(t), str(t.__bases__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "_fields"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute _fields."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    fields = getattr(t, "_fields")
    if not isinstance(fields, tuple):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _fields for type %s should be a tuple, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not all(isinstance(n, str) for n in fields):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _fields for type %s should be a tuple of strings, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "_field_types"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute _field_types."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    field_types = getattr(t, "_field_types", None)
    if not isinstance(field_types, dict):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _field_types for type %s should be a dict, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(field_types)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in fields:
        if not n in field_types:
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _fields but not in _field_types for type %s."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in field_types:
        if not n in fields:
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _field_types but not in _fields for type %s."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if check_typecheckable and not is_typecheckable(field_types[n], failure_callback=failure_callback):
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s for type %s has non-typecheckable field type %s."%(n, str(t), str(field_types[n])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if check_keyable and not is_keyable(field_types[n], failure_callback=failure_callback):
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s for type %s has non-keyable field type %s."%(n, str(t), str(field_types[n])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "_field_defaults"):
        return _not_namedtuple("Type %s has no attribute _field_defaults."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    field_defaults = getattr(t, "_field_defaults")
    if not isinstance(field_defaults, dict):
        return _not_namedtuple("Attribute _field_types for type %s should be a dict, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(field_types)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in field_defaults:
        if not n in fields:
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _field_defaults but not in _fields for type %s."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if check_typecheckable and not is_instance(field_defaults[n], field_types[n], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
            return _not_namedtuple("Default value for field %s of type %s should be of type %s, found type %s instead."%(n, str(t), str(field_types[n]), str(type(field_defaults[n]))), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in fields:
        if n not in dir(t):
            return _not_namedtuple("Field %s appears in _fields but not in dir(%s)."%(n, str(t)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    return True
def is_typecheckable(t: Any, failure_callback: Union[Callable[[str], NoneType], NoneType] = None) ‑> bool

Checks whether t can be type-checked according to the typing_json library. This is a pre-requisite for t to be JSON encodable/decodable in the library. It is also a pre-requisite for all fields of types deemed to be namedtuples by is_namedtuple().

The optional parameter failure_callback can be used to collect a detailed trace of the reasons behind this method returning False on a given type t.

At present, a type is typecheckable if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

  • it is one of the basic typecheckable types: bool, int, float, decimal.Decimal, complex, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, list, tuple, range, slice, set, frozenset, dict, type, collections.deque, collections.OrderedDict, object;
  • it is None, typing.Any or an enumeration (i.e. isinstance(t, EnumMeta));
  • it is one of typing.List, typing.Set, typing.FrozenSet, typing.Deque, typing.Optional or variadic typing.Tuple and its generic type argument is typecheckable;
  • it is one of typing.Dict, typing.OrderedDict, typing.Mapping, typing.Union or fixed-length typing.Tuple and all of its generic type arguments are typecheckable;
  • it is a typing.Literal including literals of one of the JSON basic types bool, int, float, str or NoneType;
  • it is a named tuple according to is_namedtuple() and all of its fields are of typecheckable type;
  • it is a typed dictionary according to is_typed_dict() and all of its values are of typecheckable type.

(Version 0.1.3)

Expand source code
def is_typecheckable(t: Any, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None) -> bool:
        Checks whether `t` can be type-checked according to the `typing_json` library.
        This is a pre-requisite for `t` to be JSON encodable/decodable in the library.
        It is also a pre-requisite for all fields of types deemed to be namedtuples
        by `typing_json.typechecking.is_namedtuple`.

        The optional parameter `failure_callback` can be used to collect a detailed trace of
        the reasons behind this method returning `False` on a given type `t`.

        At present, a type is typecheckable if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

        - it is one of the basic typecheckable types: `bool`, `int`, `float`, `decimal.Decimal`, `complex`, `str`, `bytes`, `bytearray`, `memoryview`, `list`, `tuple`, `range`, `slice`, `set`, `frozenset`, `dict`, `type`, `collections.deque`, `collections.OrderedDict`, `object`;
        - it is `None`, `typing.Any` or an enumeration (i.e. `isinstance(t, EnumMeta)`);
        - it is one of `typing.List`, `typing.Set`, `typing.FrozenSet`, `typing.Deque`, `typing.Optional` or variadic `typing.Tuple` and its generic type argument is typecheckable;
        - it is one of `typing.Dict`, `typing.OrderedDict`, `typing.Mapping`, `typing.Union` or fixed-length `typing.Tuple` and all of its generic type arguments are typecheckable;
        - it is a `typing.Literal` including literals of one of the JSON basic types `bool`, `int`, `float`, `str` or `NoneType`;
        - it is a named tuple according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_namedtuple` and all of its fields are of typecheckable type;
        - it is a typed dictionary according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_typed_dict` and all of its values are of typecheckable type.

        (Version 0.1.3)
    # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
        # Types in the `TYPECHECKABLE_BASE_TYPES` collection are all typecheckable.
        return True
    if t in (None, type(None), Any):
        # `None` and `typing.Any` are typecheckable.
        return True
    if isinstance(t, EnumMeta):
        # Enum types are typecheckable.
        return True
    if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and hasattr(t, "__args__"):
        # Parametric types in the `typing` module.
        if t.__origin__ in (list, set, frozenset, dict,
                            deque, OrderedDict, Union, Optional, Mapping):
            # The types `typing.List`, `typing.Set`, `typing.FrozenSet`, `typing.Dict`,
            # `typing.Deque`, `typing.OrderedDict`, `typing.Union` and `typing.Mapping`
            # are typecheckable if all of their type arguments are typecheckable.
            if all(is_typecheckable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_typecheckable("Not all type arguments of type %s are typecheckable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is tuple:
            # The type `typing.Tuple` is typecheckable if all of its type arguments are typecheckable.
            if len(t.__args__) == 2 and t.__args__[1] == ...:
                # This is the case of variadic `typing.Tuple`.
                if is_typecheckable(t.__args__[0], failure_callback=failure_callback):
                    return True
                # This is the case of fixed-length `typing.Tuple`.
                if all(is_typecheckable(s, failure_callback=failure_callback) for s in t.__args__):
                    return True
            return _not_typecheckable("Not all type arguments of type %s are typecheckable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if t.__origin__ is Literal:
            # The type `typing_extensions.Literal` is typecheckable if all of its type arguments are of JSON basic type.
            if all(isinstance(s, JSON_BASE_TYPES) for s in t.__args__):
                return True
            return _not_typecheckable("Not all type arguments of literal type %s are of JSON basic type."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if is_namedtuple(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # Types inheriting from `typing.NamedTuple` are typecheckable, because `is_namedtuple` already
        # enforces fields to be of typecheckable type.
        return True
    if is_typed_dict(t, failure_callback=failure_callback):
        # Types inheriting from `typing.TypedDict` are typecheckable, because `is_typed_dict` already
        # enforces fields to be of typecheckable type.
        return True
    return _not_typecheckable("Type %s is not typecheckable."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
def is_typed_dict(t: Type, failure_callback: Union[Callable[[str], NoneType], NoneType] = None, check_typecheckable: bool = True, cast_decimal: bool = True) ‑> bool

Checks whether t is a type constructed using typing_extensions.TypedDict, using the following procedure:

  1. checks for existence of the attribute t.__bases__, containing the base classes of t;
  2. checks that there is exactly one base class in t.__bases__, namely dict;
  3. checks for existence of the attribute t.__annotations__;
  4. checks that t.__annotations__ is a dict with string keys;
  5. checks for existence of the attribute t.__total__;
  6. checks that t.__total__ is a bool;

The procedure above weeds out many incorrect examples, but certainly needs to be improved to catch all exceptions. Field types are ex

If the optional parameter check_typecheckable is set to True (default: True), an additional check is added, for all field types to be typecheckable according to is_typecheckable(). If the optional parameter check_typecheckable is set to True (default: True), an additional check is added, for all field default values to be instances of the corresponding field types, according to is_instance() (the value of the optional parameter cast_decimal is passed to is_instance() when performing this check).

(Version 0.1.3)

Expand source code
def is_typed_dict(t: Type, failure_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, check_typecheckable: bool = True, cast_decimal: bool = True) -> bool:
        Checks whether `t` is a type constructed using `typing_extensions.TypedDict`, using the following procedure:

        1. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__bases__`, containing the base classes of `t`;
        2. checks that there is exactly one base class in `t.__bases__`, namely `dict`;
        3. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__annotations__`;
        4. checks that `t.__annotations__` is a `dict` with `string` keys;
        3. checks for existence of the attribute `t.__total__`;
        4. checks that `t.__total__` is a `bool`;

        The procedure above weeds out many incorrect examples, but certainly needs to be improved to catch all exceptions.
        Field types are ex

        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added,
        for all field types to be typecheckable according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_typecheckable`.
        If the optional parameter `check_typecheckable` is set to `True` (default: `True`), an additional check is added,
        for all field default values to be instances of the corresponding field types, according to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` (the value
        of the optional parameter `cast_decimal` is passed to `typing_json.typechecking.is_instance` when performing this check).

        (Version 0.1.3)
    # pylint:disable = too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches, protected-access
    if not hasattr(t, "__bases__"):
        return _not_typed_dict("Type %s has no attribute __bases__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    base_classes = t.__bases__
    if len(base_classes) != 1 or base_classes[0] != dict:
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute bases for type %s should be [dict], found %s instead"%(str(t), str(t.__bases__)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "__annotations__"):
        return _not_typed_dict("Type %s has no attribute __annotations__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    fields = getattr(t, "__annotations__")
    if not isinstance(fields, dict):
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute __annotations__ for type %s should be a dict, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not all(isinstance(n, str) for n in fields):
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute __annotations__ for type %s should be a dict of strings, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(fields)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    if not hasattr(t, "__total__"):
        return _not_typed_dict("Type %s has no attribute __total__."%str(t), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    total = getattr(t, "__total__")
    if not isinstance(total, bool):
        return _not_typed_dict("Attribute __total__ for type %s should be bool, found %s instead."%(str(t), str(total)), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    for n in fields:
        if check_typecheckable and not is_typecheckable(fields[n], failure_callback=failure_callback):
            return _not_typed_dict("Field %s for type %s has non-typecheckable field type %s."%(n, str(t), str(fields[n])), failure_callback=failure_callback)
        if hasattr(t, n):
            # default value set for this field
            field_default = getattr(t, n)
            if check_typecheckable and not is_instance(field_default, fields[n], failure_callback=failure_callback, cast_decimal=cast_decimal):
                return _not_typed_dict("Default value for field %s of type %s should be of type %s, found type %s instead."%(n, str(t), str(fields[n]), str(type(field_default))), failure_callback=failure_callback)
    return True
def short_str(obj: Any) ‑> str

Returns a shortened string representation of obj, for use in error messages.

Expand source code
def short_str(obj: Any) -> str:
    """ Returns a shortened string representation of `obj`, for use in error messages. """
    if isinstance(obj, str):
        return "\""+obj+"\""
    return textwrap.shorten(repr(obj), width=30, placeholder="...")